The spiritual and the scientific aspects of a sari

A sari has been a perpetual part of the Hindu traditions and their mythologies but do we really know about the spiritual or the mythological aspects of a sari? Perhaps not. While the sari is extensively worn and offered to various goddesses, its spiritual aspects that are closely linked to historical beliefs are still unknown to many. For an instance, according to the Indian tradition and its spiritual beliefs, the clothes that we wear aren’t just a mere cover to the bodies but are moreover a channel through which energies revolving around us enter or leave our bodies. From a scientific perspective, It is believed that there is always a constant flow of positive and negative energies in the environment which to a very large extent can affect our health, peace and our level of our happiness. It is because of this very belief that most Indians prefer to tie a black thread near their ankle or their wrist. Another most appropriate example that would be highly relatable for an Indian would be that of our beloved mothers. Every time we dress up for some occasion and look extremely handsome or pretty, our mothers straight away take speckle us with their Kajal. Such concepts and beliefs about our clothes and appearance have been a part of our society ever since the society existed.

With such energies flowing all around us, a Sari acts as a protector and a constructor at the same time. On one hand, where it prevents us from the negative energies entering our body, on the other, it develops an astounding aura of positive energies by wrapping us around our own levels of positivity. The science behind it is directly correlated with the key features and the way a sari is draped. Sari being a completely unstitched garment of approximately 5 to 9 yards doesn't allow negativities to enter a body through various pores or stitches. On the other hand, though the sari can be draped in more than a hundred ways, one key element that remains constant is the fact that a sari is always draped in a circular motion. This motion encompasses all the positive energies that the person beholds and further helps in building an aura.

One of the other important spiritual belief that is closely associated with the sari is that of keeping the navel uncovered. As per Hindu mythology, it was from the naval of Lord Vishnu that Lord Brahma emerged. As a matter of fact, even in the yogic tradition, the navel region is one out of the seven chakras or focus points in the body. Ever since that day, the navel is considered as a symbol of rebirth and a part of the body that is meant to emphasise the centrality of nature in the nurture role. Thus, the sari being one of the earliest forms of dressing was designed in such a way that it didn’t cover the navel. This practice of not covering the navel while draping a sari remains dominant till date though some women may tend to dislike it.

Furthermore, unlike today, where a large number of saris and other clothes are made out of synthetics, the earliest saris were generally made from cotton or silk, both of which are extracted from nature. This was mankind’s one way of portraying closeness and immense love for nature. It is because of this reason that the saris offered to various goddesses such as Durga, Saraswati or Kali are only of cotton or silk. 

The spiritual and the scientific aspects of a sari are as subjective as the topics of science and spirituality themselves are. While some people still believe the age-old traditions, some tend to be highly influenced by the western society and their clothing line as well. In this age and era of jostling beliefs and perspectives, one thing that has proven its perpetuity is that of the existence of sari. Regardless of the influence of a modern and a westernised society, the sari remains the unchallenged preference of most of the women in India.

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